Reids Plateau to Echo Point Walking Track

The walking trail from the Reids Plateau to Echo Point in the Katoomba area of the Blue Mountains is a family-friendly track with many highlights.

This is a shorter section of the Prince Henry Cliff Walk and the Grand Cliff Top Walk and takes in various beautiful lookouts with waterfall and valley views.

Reids Plateau to Echo Point
Distance: 4 km (return)
Duration: 2 hours (depending on stops)
Grade: Easy
Wheel-friendly: No
Dog-friendly: No

Getting There

This walk is situated in a popular area of the Blue Mountains, so it can get quite busy there. You can start the walk from Echo Point or the Reids Plateau.

We recommend starting the walk at the Reids Plateau, as it’s much less busy there and there is a well-sized (and free) parking area nearby at Katoomba Falls Reserve (see location on map).

Once you’ve parked your car there, cross the road (Cliff Drive) and find the access point to the Prince Henry Cliff Walk. You can also park at the Scenic World car park, from where it’s a short walk to the Reids Plateau.

Below is a map of the walk.

Map of the walk from Reids Plateau to Echo Point

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Track Notes

The entire walk between the Reids Plateau and Echo Point is on a well-maintained and well-signposted path with not that many steps.

Given that it’s a section of the Prince Henry Cliff Walk (and Grand Cliff Top Walk) and close to various famous landmarks in the Blue Mountains, you will most likely see quite a few people on the trail.

1. Reids Plateau

If you’ve parked at the Katoomba Falls Reserve car park, cross the road and find the access trail to the Prince Henry Cliff Walk.

That trail leads to an intersection with four paths. To explore the Reids Plateau, look for the path marked as “Katoomba Falls Lookouts” and go up the stairs.

Katoomba Falls Lookout
Katoomba Falls Lookout

The Reids Plateau is home to three fantastic lookouts:

  • Solitary Lookout
  • Katoomba Falls Lookout
  • Orphan Rock Lookout

The Katoomba Falls Lookout is the most impressive of the three, offering beautiful views of the waterfall, the Jamison Valley, and the Scenic Skyway.

Orphan Rock Lookout
Orphan Rock Lookout

The Orphan Rock Lookout offers views of a rock formation called Orphan Rock, a rock formation similar to the Three Sisters but consisting of only one rock.

There used to be a walking trail leading directly to Orphan Rock, but that was closed many years ago.

2. Duke & Duchess of York Lookout

From the Reids Plateau, continue on the main walking trail towards the Duke & Duchess of York Lookout.

Duke & Duchess of York Lookout
Duke & Duchess of York Lookout

Like the Katoomba Falls Lookout, the Duke & Duchess of York Lookout offers panoramic views of the Jamison Valley. It’s worth waiting for Scenic Skyway to fly past for that perfect photo!

From the lookout, the trail continues alongside the creek (Kedumba River) through a patch of beautiful rainforest scenery, ending up at the Katoomba Cascades.

3. Katoomba Cascades

The Katoomba Cascades is a beautiful water spectacle on the Kedumba River, with a large picnic area located above the cascades.

Katoomba Cascades
Katoomba Cascades

The walking path runs in front of the cascades, with lots of space to move around and admire the water spectacle.

From the Katoomba Cascades, the main walking trail continues up the stairs to Cliff Drive and then makes a right turn towards the Cliff View Lookout.

4. Cliff View Lookout

The 250-metre wheel-friendly path from the cascades to the Cliff View Lookout passes the Scenic World Skyway East Station before arriving at a fenced viewing platform.

Cliff View Lookout
Cliff View Lookout

The Cliff View Lookout offers beautiful 180-degree views of the Jamison Valley, with the Scenic Skyway flying back and forth between its two stations in the background.

From this lookout, there is 1 km of hiking left to do along the clifftop before arriving at Echo Point.

5. Lady Darley’s Lookout

While the section between the Cliff View Lookout and Echo Point may be short, it’s a beautiful trail passing three scenic lookouts:

  • Wollumai Lookout
  • Allambie Lookout
  • Lady Darley’s Lookout
Lady Darley's Lookout
Lady Darley’s Lookout

The Lady Darley’s Lookout, about halfway into this section, is the biggest and perhaps most impressive viewing point of the three, offering panoramic valley views.

6. Echo Point

From Darley’s Lookout, it’s a short stroll to Echo Point, the most popular tourist attraction in the Blue Mountains.

Three Sisters as seen from Echo Point
Three Sisters as seen from Echo Point

You’ll find various viewing platforms at Echo Point, all offering superb views of the Three Sisters and the Jamison Valley.

Given that it’s such a popular tourist attraction, you’ll probably have to share Echo Point with many tourists. But it’s a big area, so there’s lots of space to move around and explore.

Keen to continue hiking from Echo Point?

  • Three Sisters Walk:
    A short, family-friendly walking trail between Echo Point and the Three Sisters, with various lookouts along the way to explore.
  • Dardanelles Pass:
    At the Three Sisters, walk down the Giant Stairway into the Jamison Valley, where the Dardanelles Pass meanders through the beautiful Leura Forest.
  • Giant Stairway to Furber Steps:
    Walk down the Giant Stairway at the Three Sisters, turn right and continue hiking through thriving forest scenery to the Furber Steps and climb back up to Scenic World and the Reids Plateau.

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AJ Mens

AJ Mens is a digital publisher based in Sydney, Australia, and the editor-in-chief of Sydney Uncovered and Blue Mountains Uncovered.

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