The Jingga Track (and Pool) in Dharawal National Park

Last updated: October 17, 2021

The Jingga Track is a short but very steep bushwalk in Dharawal National Park that leads to a beautiful natural waterhole and a small waterfall.

The waterhole is suitable for swimming, which makes this trip an even more enjoyable outdoor adventure on a warm summer’s day.

There are more sights and walking tracks nearby, so why not make a day of it and explore this beautiful part of Sydney.

Jingga Walking Track
Distance: 3 km (return)
Time: 1.5 hours
Grade: Moderate (steep and rough surface)
Dogs: Not allowed

How to Get There

The walking track to Jingga Pool is located in Wedderburn, in the north-western part of Dharawal National Park, approximately 60km south of Sydney.

To get there, follow Victoria Road in Wedderburn all the way to the entrance gate to the national park, where Victoria Road turns into a dirt road (map).

Car park at the Victoria Road Trail
Car park on Victoria Road

There is a reasonably sized car park located right at the entrance, with a large information board with maps that tell you more about the area.

The below map indicates the walking track to Jingga Pool starting from the car park on Victoria Road.

Map and route of the Jingga Track

Jingga Walking Track

The walking track to Jingga Pool is short but it is also steep. The first part of the walk is very easy, but the second part is rather tough, not only because of the steepness but also because of the rough surface.

This second part of the track is on very rocky surface and good shoes are an absolute must to avoid injuries. A reasonable level of fitness is needed to be able to make your way back up on the return trip.

Jingga Track signpost
Jingga Track signpost

Once you’ve parked your car, continue walking on Victoria Road into the national park. The road soon hits a signpost where you need to continue straight.

Not too long after that, a second signpost pops up where the Jingga Track makes a right turn, heading into the bush.

Start of the Jingga Track
Official start of the Jingga Track

This is where the track slowly turns into a rather steep descent while walking on a very rocky and uneven surface. Even the descent is somewhat challenging due to the poor condition of the walking trail.

But to give it a positive spin, this is a good workout and it also helps to improve your bushwalking skills.

Path to Jingga Pool
Path to Jingga Pool

While it’s important to keep an eye on the surface you’re walking on, don’t forget to also occasionally look up to enjoy the beautiful scenery and thriving wildlife.

Once you hear the beautiful sounds of streaming water, the track will soon arrive at the actual pool and the waterfall.

Jingga Pool

In Dharawal language, the word “jingga” roughly translates to “nice and sweet”, which certainly makes it a good name for the pool as being a freshwater swimming hole.

It’s okay to swim in Jingga Pool, unlike nearby Minerva Pool where only women and children can go swimming, in accordance with Dharawal culture and tradition.

Waterfall flowing into Jingga Pool
Waterfall flowing into Jingga Pool

Depending on any recent rainfall, the waterfall that drops into Jingga Pool can be quite impressive and overwhelming when you’re standing close by.

The more water though, the harder it is to walk over to the other side of the pool.

Jingga Pool
Jingga Pool

The rocks surrounding the pool make for a great spot to have a picnic, so make sure to bring food if you’d like to have lunch there in such beautiful surroundings.

If you decide to go swimming, please keep the following things in mind:

  • It’s deep:
    The middle of Jingga Pool is rather deep, so if you’re not a good swimmer it’s best not to go in.
  • It’s slippery:
    It can be very slippery on the rocks surrounding the pool, so please be cautious at all times.
  • Jumping in:
    It makes sense to jump into Jingga Pool, but please do so with care because there may be moving rocks hidden in the water. It’s best to try and find a spot where you don’t have to jump from a high point.
  • Don’t leave rubbish:
    As always, please don’t leave rubbish behind in the bush.

More Exploring Nearby

There are more great sights and walks close to Jingga Pool if you’d like to make the most of your visit to this section of Dharawal National Park.

1. Minerva Pool

The Minerva Pool is very similar to Jingga Pool, although only women and children can swim there according to the Dharawal traditional owners of the land.

The walking track to this waterhole is also approximately 3 km long and can be commenced from the same car park. The walk is easier though, because it’s not as steep as the Jingga Track.

You can read more about the walking track to Minerva Pool here.

2. O’Hares Creek Lookout

Also starting from the Victoria Road car park is the easy walking track to the scenic O’Hares Creek Lookout.

This is a family-friendly 2.5km return walk through scenic bushland, leading to a large lookout platform with spectacular views over the O’Hares Creek valley.

You can read more about the O’Hares Creek Lookout here.


Jingga Walking Track and Pool

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